Talks I've given, plus posters I've presented, both at conferences (bold) and in internal meetings
- 2024-??-??: LVK GRB group talk about rehear
- 2024-11-28: Internal seminar about Nested Sampling at GSSI, repository (with notes)
- 2024-10-17: GSSI talk to enter the fourth year, about my work in general, slides
- 2024-10-08: LGWA meeting talk about multibanding (actually given by Jan since I got sick)
- 2024-09-25: LVK meeting poster about BAYESTAR + inclination angle, dcc entry
- 2024-06-21: European Lunar Symposium talk presenting LGWA, slides (private repo)
- 2024-04-19: Lautaro meeting talk about multibanding, slides (private repo)
- 2024-04-17: CTAO symposium talk about rehear, slides
- 2024-03-25: Moriond Very High Energy Phenomena of the Universe talk about rehear, agenda page, slides, proceeding
- 2024-02-21: GWFish tutorial at the ET meeting, Indico page, repository
- 2024-02-16: PhTea talk about the history of role-playing games, slides
- 2024-02-08: GSSI science fair talk+poster: the talk’s about being in collaborations (ET, LVK, LGWA, LISA, PTA), the poster is about LGWA specifically
- 2023-11-24: Group meeting talk about the LVK’s Early Warning infrastructure, slides
- 2023-10-20: GSSI talk to enter the third year, about my work in general
- 2023-10-10: LGWA meeting talk about different concepts for lunar gravitational wave detection (Royal Society paper)
- 2023-07-10: GWPopNext three-minute talk about VHE detection, slides
- 2023-06-05: GWsNS poster about early-warning localization of NS binaries with LGWA, repo with poster and more
- 2023-05-09: ET symposium introduction to Fisher matrix forecasting, repo with slides, notes and notebooks
- 2023-04-12: Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie, Catania: talk about the LGWA, contribution page with slides
- 2023-03-02: Fellowship of Clean Code talk about “How to manage big projects in python”, Indico, recording
- 2023-02-24: PhTea talk about AI Art, slides
- 2023-02-22: GSSI Science Fair presentation about LGWA, Indico, slides
- 2023-02-10: Talk about GWFish at the LGWA meeting, Indico, slides
- 2023-02-02: Fellowship of Clean Code talk about automated testing basics, Indico, recording
- 2022-11-08: internal talk in the ET collaboration about
- 2022-10-27: internal talk in the Virgo collaboration about
- 2022-06-26: Fellowship of Clean Code talk about
and versioning, Indico, recording